i took this video on oct 8 2024 and i am writing this on oct 13 2024

i am listening to sawdust and diamonds by joanna newsom right now

you can listen too if you'd like

i'm having kind of a weird, slow day. it's both slow and fast. this has been happening to me a lot lately, time warping and leaving me confused

i feel like i don't have enough time to do everything i want to do – make art, hang out with my friends, call my mom, cook a good meal. i can't tell if it's capitalism productivity brain telling me i need to constantly be doing stuff, or if it's real and i'm actually trying to do too much. do i need to be doing less? but i don't want to, i want to do it all!!

yesterday, fiona and pratishta came over and we worked on some sewing and knitting projects. i don't know how to do either, really! but fiona and i signed up for this 2 hour online workshop about darning, and we learned how to darn.

what is darning, you ask? i will tell you. it's a technique of mending a piece of clothing using yarn or thread, and a needle. you start by stitching one way across the part you want to mend, making some foundational stitches in the part of the piece that's still strong and intact, and then making "bridge stitches" across the hole or worn area. this set of stitches is called the "warp". then you make another set of stitches going perpendicular to the warp, weaving in and out of the warp stitches, and that set of perpendicular stitches is called the "weft". (i believe "warp" and "weft" are terms from weaving). and then… you have your darn!

here are some examples of darned garments, made by the people who taught our workshop. aren't they beautiful? :o

i fell off my bike recently, the tuesday before last. it was kinda comical and didn't hurt too much in the moment, i guess from shock, though my knee started aching like hell a few hours later. thankfully i didn't break anything. it's taken me way longer to heal than i expected though, and i forgot how itchy healing skin can be…

i feel old, kinda.